The Joint Threat Anticipation Center of the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory will hold a workshop titled "What Are National Security Threats?" at the University of Chicago, April 3-5, 2006.

The workshop will consist of presentations, panels and break out sessions on a variety of national and international security issues, with an overall theme of integrating the social sciences and computational modeling. A workshop summary and report on key findings will be available after the workshop on the JTAC web site.

The workshop will begin on Monday, April 3, at the University of Chicago’s International House, located at 1414 E. 59 th Street in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood. The main workshop will be held over the next two days, April 4 and 5, at the University of Chicago downtown campus at the Gleacher Center (450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive, Chicago). The workshop agenda is being finalized and will be posted shortly.

Individuals and organizations are responsible for attendee funding.  While there is no fee, workshop registration is required.

Attendees are advised to make hotel reservations as soon as possible and request the University of Chicago rate.  The recommended hotels are within walking distance to the Gleacher Center.  Attendees should plan to arrive in Chicago on Monday, April 3rd. The Monday session will begin at the University of Chicago Hyde Park campus at 6 pm that day. The workshop will conclude by 5 pm on April 5.  Breakfast and lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday will be provided. 

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Irving Birkner at ibirkner@uchicago.edu or 773-834-4274.

The Threat Anticipation Workshop is sponsored by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Advanced Systems and Concepts Office (DTRA/ASCO). More information on the JTAC program is available at http://jtac.uchicago.edu.